Its less than 24 hours after our iPhone 5 Teardown and we have received a lot of questions about it. Its come to our attention that a lot of you are concerned about the scuffability of the iPhone 5s aluminum rear case, so much so that theres already a scandal brewing around it, which the Internet is calling "scuff-gate." We set out to find out just how much truth there is to the latest scandal surrounding a Apple product release, and have a little fun while we were at it.

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IPOD nano 3代小牛皮皮套 最近好多朋友問我哪裡買最便宜?

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下面是我做的功課, 有IPOD nano 3代小牛皮皮套與同類其他MP3、MP5,相機、手機、MP3 商品的比較


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